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N.7 Aprile 2007

Museum ENG 
The Philately of the Edwardian Era

The pastime of stamp collecting had developed from the very earliest days of those who launched it in the 1860s. That first generation were indeed pioneers and many would engage in the debate as to how to collect - in the English or French school? Fortunately the French style prevailed which opened the way for a new generation of collectors and dealers to develop the subject into philately in the 1870s to the 1890s and it was this group that was still much in evidence in the Edwardian Era. Clearly the development of institutions such as in 1869 with the formation of The Philatelic Society, London, the oldest existing Philatelic Society, had an important impact on the eventual sustainability of philately and stamp collecting through to the present day in Britain and around the world. History of the pioneers of philately. By David R. Beech, FRPSL, Curator and Head of the Philatelic Collections at The British Library

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